Empower Yourself Through Divorce With Our Consulting Experts

Discernment Coaching
Are you considering separation? Do you want to be divorced? Have you tried counselling and failed?
How is the best way for you both to move forward - either together or apart?
Discernment coaching helps a client assess the current status of their relationship to determine how they want their relationship to look and what needs to happen to achieve these goals.
This hourly service allows people to consider all of their options and create an individualized plan on how to move forward.
$200 per hour
Divorce Coaching
Divorce coaching is not legal advice but rather a focus on the greater picture pre-, during and post divorce.
Our divorce coaches can work alongside legal professionals to assist the client with "bigger picture" issues during legal proceedings They also work one on one with clients who do not have counsel.
Our divorce coaching services focus on managing tough emotions, triggers and hot buttons that arise and impede the process of resolution either in court or through mediated settlement.
$250 per hour

Hourly Mediation Services
Let our experienced mediator work with you towards resolution and settlement of outstanding issues.
We welcome the opportunity to work with individual parties, lawyers or other professionals who require mediation services.
Our mediation services focus on the root of issues and working with parties to understand why they take certain positions while assisting in reaching a negotiated settlement.
$250 per hour
Baby Steps Package
A flat fee package for parties who are expecting a child.
Our experienced mediator will work with both parties to mediate a parenting plan to include each parties' responsibilities, roles of extended families, agreements on religious upbringing and any other topics that the parties wish to include.
This package includes two intake telephone calls, up to four joint meetings with a mediator, coaching throughout the process and a final separation agreement provided that the parties reach agreement within a month of beginning the mediation process.
$4,000 per package

Mediation Packages
A flat fee package that includes both mediation and divorce coaching services.
These packages are available in one or two month packages.
The package includes two intake telephone calls, review of documents, up to four joint meetings with a mediator per month, unlimited coaching and a final separation agreement provided that an agreement is reached within the period of the package.
$5,000 for one month package ($2,500.00 per person)
$8,000 for two month package ($4,000.00 per person)
Relationship (RE) Design
A three month program in which both parties work with one of our mediators to first determine how they want their relationship to look moving forward and then, once that is determined, mediation and coaching services to reach agreement on the terms of the new relationship.
The process includes intake meetings, document disclosure, up to four joint meetings with a mediator each month, unlimited divorce and discernment coaching and a comprehensive separation agreement provided that agreement is reached within three months from the beginning of the package.
$9,500 per package

After Care / Rebuilding
Our professionals will work with you to put the plans that you reached into effect and to follow up to see if any "tweaks" need to be made.
We can assist you in planning for the future while learning about your new present.
It is time to tell your story, we can help you with that.
Supervised Parenting
Court ordered supervised parenting time? Have no options for a supervisor? Our professionals can help!
We provide professional supervisors to supervise parenting time a party's home or in the community.
$50.00 per hour
$40.00 per supervision report

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Don't Let Your Divorce Define You. Let Our Experts Guide You
Resolve your relationship within a month – no ongoing legal fees, just clear, efficient mediation. For married couples, we’ll even assist with the desk order divorce through Firebird Law. Simple, affordable, and complete.